Wednesday, January 18, 2017


It was a mess. There was blood and gore everywhere, but I had to escape. I can’t afford to waste time on something so trivial- they need me now. A loud booming wail echoed bounced across the empty hall as I ran, squishing the unidentifiable flesh beneath my feet. Where’s the door? Where’s the door? Where’s the door? Where’s the door? My lungs started to constrict as I struggled to find the nearest exit. The beast was trailing right behind me. From the corner of my eye, something glistened in the dull white light. It was a window. Praying to everything up in the skies, I threw myself against the glass plane.  
A rain of shards sliced through my taut skin as I landed into a kitchen with a harsh thud. A roar of fury erupted right behind me. Looking behind, tendrils of some sort of black substance poured itself through the shattered window before reforming, reaching out a dozen inky hands.
I backed away as far away as I could, until I was corned onto the cupboards. The oddity’s many arms grabbed onto one of my legs. With a yelp, I frantically felt around the counter top for something to use as a weapon. With the tip of my shaking fingers, I knocked cup over. Right beside me, it shattered into pieces. Without a second thought, I grabbed the biggest shard and stabbed it right into its lone glowing eye.
With a guttural cry of pain, the hands finally withdrew themselves away from me to nurse its injury. Not wasting a second, I ripped the door for the cupboards right off its hinges and slammed it against the creature’s face. Something warm splattered against my face, but I didn’t care. This thing, whatever it is, it had to die. Repeatedly and mercilessly, I continued to slamming the board onto the thing with each crack louder than before until it finally stopped moving.

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