Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Ode to the 7th Generation

The 7th generation
The hopes for our world and the promises of our past selves
In world polluted by corruption and fear, I pray that the 7th generation don't repeat our mistakes
The world is crumbling as there's barely anything left.
In the wakes of our wastes, I pray that the 7th generation uphold to the stakes.
Men, women, and all alike living in fear, that's not a way to go.
I pray that the 7th generation live a life of valor in the face of oppression
I pray that the 7th generation live a life of happiness instead of suppression.
Building connections, not walls.
Love, not hate.
Understanding, not willful ignorance.
Most of all, I pray that 7th generation will be able to detect bullshit from a mile away and not repeat our mistakes.
The hopes for our world and the promises of our past selves-the 7th generation.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Back to Zero

Faith is never fair.
It's capricious in nature. 
There's always a loss. 

This is what he learned the hard way. The emptiness left in his chest after that fateful day. The day his idiocy costed him his life. He was a jockey, quite a famous one at that. Knowing this, he let it all rush to his head, clouding his future. Bang. Forced into a negative, he carries the burden of faith and his pride. No legs, no life, no nothing. He was less than nothing. He was a burden to not only himself, but to others. Until he met the mysterious man with the steel balls. He was everything he wasn't and more. He held the secret. The secret to a blank slate. He followed the man on a long and treacherous race, growing closer and closer together, while committing heinous crimes along the way. Despite everything, he was starting to become wholesome again. Until one day, during a faithful encounter, he lost him. With his loss, he was handed the reigns of life and destiny. With his head held up high, he was finally back to zero. Finally back to nothingness.  

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Everything is a spiral.
Whether it'll be a shape or a line.
Always repeating itself.
Always on going.
The end is never near,
there's only continuation.
Progress, not end.
Repetition, not finale.
As it goes on, we will wither
while continuing on at the same time

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


It was a mess. There was blood and gore everywhere, but I had to escape. I can’t afford to waste time on something so trivial- they need me now. A loud booming wail echoed bounced across the empty hall as I ran, squishing the unidentifiable flesh beneath my feet. Where’s the door? Where’s the door? Where’s the door? Where’s the door? My lungs started to constrict as I struggled to find the nearest exit. The beast was trailing right behind me. From the corner of my eye, something glistened in the dull white light. It was a window. Praying to everything up in the skies, I threw myself against the glass plane.  
A rain of shards sliced through my taut skin as I landed into a kitchen with a harsh thud. A roar of fury erupted right behind me. Looking behind, tendrils of some sort of black substance poured itself through the shattered window before reforming, reaching out a dozen inky hands.
I backed away as far away as I could, until I was corned onto the cupboards. The oddity’s many arms grabbed onto one of my legs. With a yelp, I frantically felt around the counter top for something to use as a weapon. With the tip of my shaking fingers, I knocked cup over. Right beside me, it shattered into pieces. Without a second thought, I grabbed the biggest shard and stabbed it right into its lone glowing eye.
With a guttural cry of pain, the hands finally withdrew themselves away from me to nurse its injury. Not wasting a second, I ripped the door for the cupboards right off its hinges and slammed it against the creature’s face. Something warm splattered against my face, but I didn’t care. This thing, whatever it is, it had to die. Repeatedly and mercilessly, I continued to slamming the board onto the thing with each crack louder than before until it finally stopped moving.